Neek Tunes

About You Neek

My photo
Lost Angeles, United States
We're always seeing ahead, following something, stimulating our brains with relative adjacent ideas and thinking we're being different... well most of us at least. It's annoying, agreed? Agreed. Be You Neek. What is worse than being average or standing next to the ugly girl at the party with your Balenciaga dress replica? Blog formulated to avoid such hair pulling situations including unique quotes, fashion, restaurants, topics, places, people, and general randoms in my Lost Angeles twisted world. Then again, who am I to judge? I don't know, you tell me.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Black or Red? I Mean...Stay&Chat or Next? Chat...Roulette. Really? A roulette of chatters, let me explain: There are two video boxes, one for yourself and another for a COMPLETE stranger along with a chat-box to type a conversation. You click "Start" and automatically a stranger pops up. Well, from my experience, I feel a little awkward "face to face" with a random so I often click "next" which accesses you to another random person,  hence the roulette aspect of the site. In some cases, such as my own, I have not only come across faces but have been surprised by below the waist acquaintances and yes, I clicked "next"...if I wanted such interaction I would log onto a virtual porn site. Some may believe it's for bored, lonely or horny individuals but there could be some use to the site. It's our generation's one-on-one alternative world and communication through the internet. It is the new and improved late nineties and early zerozero's live and real chat rooms. It's actually fascinating and I don't know how it wasn't created before MySpace. I assume it's because of all the past few years of high demand in MacBooks with built-in camera's. Remember when some people bought separate web camera's, that sounds like another era now. arises a new and quirky epidemic, must label this a you neek and freakish newbie to the world wide web.

an example of an interesting interplay: 

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use your neek tongue...


**I do not claim the right to some of the photos on my blog unless stated other wise, these photos are posted for inspiration.