Neek Tunes

About You Neek

My photo
Lost Angeles, United States
We're always seeing ahead, following something, stimulating our brains with relative adjacent ideas and thinking we're being different... well most of us at least. It's annoying, agreed? Agreed. Be You Neek. What is worse than being average or standing next to the ugly girl at the party with your Balenciaga dress replica? Blog formulated to avoid such hair pulling situations including unique quotes, fashion, restaurants, topics, places, people, and general randoms in my Lost Angeles twisted world. Then again, who am I to judge? I don't know, you tell me.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Caffeine et Nicotine

Whether you're studying, writing a paper, updating a blog ehem, or being that loner starving author/artist, most people would love to drink a black coffee and have a smoke. Ok, so you may not smoke...doesn't it feel so OUT OF LA to be at a coffee shop and smoke inside? Let's excuse the second-hand smoking ideal, there's always the outside area. That doesn't exist here right? WRONG. I heard about this place a year ago, my friend was actually taken on a date there. Being the chain smoker she is, I'm pretty sure that sealed the deal for the night with the two. There was a rumor of it being closed so I never bothered to go out of my way and check. However, a few months ago my friend was leaving to Israel and invited me there with his friends. It was eleven at night, I had an exam the next morning, but sacrificed to finally see the place nonetheless. I purchased a hot coco and indulged in a few games of Dominos...don't ask. Located on little Santa Monica, Cacao Cafe is that insomniatic nicotine and caffeine fiending hole in the wall. Regardless of the size and location, if you want a late night smoke and coffee, you go there. Definitely a YOUNEEK find, only thing is that you can only smoke inside past ten at night...aren't smokers always up late anyways?


  1. very nice blog! love your writing babe!

  2. is this near santa monica college?


use your neek tongue...


**I do not claim the right to some of the photos on my blog unless stated other wise, these photos are posted for inspiration.